Minggu, 28 September 2008

the perfect recipe

can't hardly remember why or to whom i wrote this poem. but obviously i was a bit tipsy.

Let me love you just a twist,
with a tea spoon of caring,
and a drop of desires.

Let me adore you in sprinkles,
coat you with the warmth of my melted heart,
toss in the air sometimes with the abundance of devotions.

Let my passion be your garnish,
adorn your body and soul,
and let you pleasing my days with your perfect delicacies

7 komentar:

Dama mengatakan...

itu beautiful sekalii (gaya cinta laura)... mau dikirim buat orang baru? *wink wink*

mitayani mengatakan...

it's more like *sink sink* cause i can't *shush shush* and i feel like freakin *stuck stuck*. biaccch! i'm sooo f***in *stressed stressed*!

Brendan mengatakan...

haha.. itu sebenarnya buat aku ya?? .. ga usah malu" .. bilang aja.. hehe

mitayani mengatakan...

hah!? kok kamu tauuu bon?!
asem. :p asem itu bahasa gaolnya asam.

Rad Sujanto mengatakan...

mungkin kalo 'sndok teh'ny dganti ember lebih menyenangkan bwt s dia :D

sekedar berbagi puisi jg: http://blog-radsnews.blogspot.com/2007/09/two-beautiful-poems-in-indonesian.html

mitayani mengatakan...

justru itu mas R, kalo pake ember ntar meluber-luber..:) sesendokteh saja tapi manis dan pas.halah.

Rad Sujanto mengatakan...

mas R? hehe

masuk akal jg, se ember jd kebanyakan y.. y satu sendok bebek dehh.. nawar nih