this somewhat dull morning, i saw my dad was doing his morning ritual, socializing with his small lovely garden. he was holding a little wood stick. [me approaching] couldn't be said a curiosity, i was more like trying to socialize with my dad. i've been away from home for quite a while. [daddy's big smile] i was asking what he was doing. and he offered me to plant the stick on the ground. it was a process of stekking kembang sepatu (englonesian). hibiscus rosasinensis or hibiscus something with 'sis' in the end. he said it would grow a nice little tree*) [stekking] then, this odd-but-why-not idea was crossing my mind. how about if each living person on earth do this little planting activity, and is fined, with a pretty number of money, when they don't. a tree planting obligation. but sudahlah, it was just another crazy-odd thinking, like establishing a restaurant named 'padang njingglang' or wishing someone out there would invent healthy cigarrettes.
p.s. not sure whether the tree is still alive, now. kalau dibahasaindonesiakan, aku ini bukan orang yang bertangan dingin, gituh.
*) it was said by a former student of agricultural technology, never graduated, though, for he cheated and chose banking for living
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