Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008


judul yang agak berle. but yep, i got some bruises from last night's little accident. they just came out lately. oh crap. there are things i want to forget but the bruises always come out late and keep reminding me. ha, ngomong apa sih. yes, an accident. not so serious. it's the road, the first rain of the season and a crazy taxi. bad combination. and the wheel slipped so bad that i fell. i forgot whether i was riding in a modest speed or in heaven's believer one. but i do confess that i ride worse when i am alone. the thing that made some people around me panicked was actually the rain. the rain that met my blood so that it flew so bad on the raincoat i wore and the shirt [it's new shirt. lame.]. it looked a bit outrageous. but apart from that, i am fine. one thing that keep me wondering is that, when i fell, there was no such defense. pasrah aja, gitu. i even closed my eyes for a while, lying in the middle of the street. when i plunged, i just plunged. it started to freak me out. i hope there is nothing wrong with me. lol. i just think too much recently. and i don't know what i feel now. i just feel so grateful. hey, i am still alive.

thanks to:
mbak yuni, the first person who helped me getting to the side of the road.
pas handono, the man in the bus shelter who was taking me to the maternity hospital.
pak supir taxi vetri (maaf pak, lupa tanya nama), who was driving me asap to 'panti rapih'.
my lovely family, who were basically doing everything for me. my dad even went to the doctor at the same night. he worried too much.
bondan, who was taking me water, making me laugh, helping me with my shoe. and the night wasn't too bad at the hospital.
the nurses, who injected, cut and stitched my skin with love.
biach2, who told bondan and linds. (!) but yes, she did worried.
laksmi, who was kindly getting through the rain! just to see if i was ok, with some lovely oleh-oleh.
linds, who sent a sweeet sms, it made me smile.
tika, who almost went to the hospital.
nini and some cousins, who sent lovely and caring smses.
yodim, who is marah-marah out of the blue for i didn't tell him about the accident.
andy, who just smsed me, thanks mate.
and people i do not mention here, who was helping me or having me crossing their minds for a while.
thanks. from the bottom of my heart. it means a lot to me more than you ever thought.

t e r i m a k a s i h.

7 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

hah? kenapa mbak mita? kapan????baek2 aja kan ?

Unknown mengatakan...

mba Yuni or mba Yeni? ;/
n btw there's no story about your chin? ;>

Dama mengatakan...

yeh i did make a huge contribution there lol!

Brendan mengatakan...

Yeah.. what can I say... we are all brilliant!!!! =P haha.. and you're so lucky to have friends and family like us.. hehehe.. narsis ya.. .oops

mitayani mengatakan...

1. aku baik-baik sajaaa, winda cantik :* makasih say...
2. oh nooo mbak yeni, isn't it? she's such an angel. i mean for the livings.
3. yep. huuuge. the story of someone and someone i know for a lifetime? lmao.
4. yes. i am sooo lucky and you are so narsis. setujuh!

dunia fia mengatakan...

mit, berhubung aku ga bisa bahasa inggeris, jadi komentarku gini aja : siiik miiiit, tak terjemahke siiiiik

nien mengatakan...

be careful yo mbak

btw, love your writing
ketok pinter :D